
U of T

University of Toronto


DFCM Brochures

From 2011-2012, I worked as a freelance designer for a number of different departments within the University of Toronto. Over the course of those four years I was commissioned to produce a number of pieces. A few of these can be found below.

When I was commissioned to create a series of brochures for each of the divisions in the Department of Family and Community Medicine a two-tier approach was taken. One set was created typographically for each specific program while the other was created using abstract geometric shapes and graphics that could be easily applied to any of the individual programs.

DFCM Posters

In July 2011 the Department of Family and Community Medicine moved from 263 McCaul St. to the Rehabilitation Sciences Building at 500 University Ave. I was asked to produce a series of eight posters for the grand opening in the fall of 2011. A strict set of guidelines had to be adhered to, but limitations, as in this case, can fuel a greater creative energy. Having a solid and flexible grid provided the organizational structure to build the successful layout designs that followed.


IMS Strategy Guide

As the U of T Institute of Medicine was going through a re-brand, I was brought on board to design a strategic plan for prospective students highlighting the opportunities and multidisciplinary research the IMS is renowned for.